MUN Procedure

What is MUN?

MUN (Model United Nations) is a simulation of the real United Nations. A group of students from the same school band together to represent a country, or 'delegation', where individual students are 'delegates'.

The debate is conducted within two sets of bodies: the General Assembly and the Committees. The committees are usually composed of one delegate per delegation, so they are much smaller than the General Assembly. They focus on one particular group of issues, such as human rights or disarmament. The exception is the Security Council; here, there are only 15 countries represented and almost any topic could come up. The most common are those relating to international peace and security.

Approvals, Resolutions and Lobbying


A resolution writing guide for HabsMUN can be found here.


Rules for resolutions and lobbying for HabsMUN can be found here.

Delegates will require a certain number of co-submitters before they can be selected for debate; this number will be up to the chairs' discretion at HASBMUN.

  • There are a couple of regulations to which delegates must adhere.
    • First, a signature that has been obtained from a delegate of the same school as the main submitter is not valid.
    • Secondly, only two signatures from delegates of the same school are permitted.

  • Apart from signatures, lobbying is also a time where one may wish to set-up yield chains and determine potential allies in the committee, as well get to know the other delegates with whom they will be debating.

  • After the requisite number of signatures has been collected, the resolution and signature sheet should be given to a member of the Secretariat team who will complete the Approvals process.


  1. Chair must call the floor to order and announce the resolution that is about to be debated.
  2. Debates at HabsMUN will be 40 minutes long and voting procedure at the end.
  3. Chair calls up the main submitter to take the floor and read out the operative clauses. (N.B. Operative clauses are not read out in GA debates).
  4. The Chair will then invite the speaker to make a 2-minute speech.
  5. The Chair will then ask the speaker whether the delegate opens himself/herself up to any points of information.
  6. At HabsMUN there will be 2-3 points of information after a speech. (Delegates will also be allowed to reject points of information altogether or request a specific number of points of information)
  7. The Chair will then ask the speaker “Does the delegate wish to yield the floor back to the Chair or to another delegation?”
    N.B. at HabsMUN delegates will not be allowed to yield to other delegates from their school. A yield chain can only include 2 delegates i.e. an A-B yield chain.
  8. The Chair will then move the committee into open debate and amendments will be allowed to be submitted.
  9. The standard speaking time from then onwards will be 1-2 minutes at the discretion of the Chair.
  1. When a delegate would like to submit an amendment, they are to request amendment paper from Secretariat:
    • Amendments must be written on official HabsMUN amendment paper so there is a record of who has written the amendment.
    • When the delegate has finished writing their amendment they are to send it to the chair. If the chair deems the amendment interesting for debate, they are to give it to one of the chairs, so it can be typed up.
    • The amendment is then to be displayed on the screen so the whole committee can see it.
  2. The Chair will check that the delegate’s amendment has been typed up. If it has the Chair will call the delegate up to the floor and say “It will be in order to debate your amendment”. The chair will then ask the delegate to read out their amendment.
  3. At HabsMUN amendments will also be debated in the open debate format
  4. When time against the amendment has run out the Chair will move to voting procedure
  5. The Chair will ask delegates to vote for or against the amendment. Remember that no delegate can abstain from voting on an amendment as it is a procedural vote
  1. After the final speech has been made the Chair will declare to the committee “Time on this resolution has now elapsed therefore we will be moving into voting procedure.”
  2. The Chair will ask delegates to raise their placard to vote for, against or abstain.
    N.B. There shall be no “Motions to Divide the House” at HabsMUN.


Motion name May interrupt a speaker Requires a second Can be overriden by a single objection Discretion of the chair
Motion to extend debate time No Yes No Yes
Motion to move to the previous question No Yes Yes Yes
Motion to divide the house. These will no longer be entertained because delegates cannot be forced to vote on the final resolution
Motion for a re-vote No Yes No Yes


Point name May interrupt a speaker Requires a second Can be overriden by a single objection Discretion of the chair
Point of Personal Privilege Yes No No No
Point of Order No No No No
Point of Information to the Chair No No No No
Point of Information to the Speaker No No No Yes

Parliamentary Procedure

Dress Code
All delegates must be in appropriate dress when speaking, and all speakers should have their jackets on when speaking. Delegates are not permitted to dress in the attire of their delegation, although small pin badges are allowed.

Parliamentary Language
All language should be appropriate to debate and parliamentary. Swearing and personal insults will not be tolerated at HASBMUN 2024 and will result in punishment. When saying something, we recommend that you consider "Is this diplomatic language?"